- MATH 201 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 471 prexams
- MATH 218 - Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications 149 prexams
- MATH 202 - Differential Equations 153 prexams
- MATH 251 - Numerical Computing 37 prexams
- MATH 204 - Mathematics for Social Sciences II 42 prexams
- MATH 211 - Discrete Structures 85 prexams
- MATH 101 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry I 25 prexams
- MATH 102 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry II 21 prexams
- MATH 203 - Mathematics for Social Sciences I 14 prexams
- MATH 212 - Introductory Partial Differential Equations 34 prexams
- MATH 210 - Introduction to Analysis 35 prexams
- MATH 261 - Number Theory 23 prexams
- MATH 219 - Linear Algebra I 19 prexams
- MATH 241 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra 25 prexams
- MATH 214 - Topology I 13 prexams
- MATH 223 - Advanced Calculus 14 prexams
- MATH 227 - Introduction to Complex Analysis 10 prexams
- MATH 224 - Fourier Series and Applications 3 prexams
- MATH 213 - Higher Geometry 6 prexams
- MATH 220 - Linear Algebra II 3 prexams
- MATH 242 - Topics in Algebra 5 prexams
- MATH 303 - Measure and Integration 4 prexams
- MATH 304 - Complex Analysis 3 prexams
- MATH 314 - Algebraic Topology I 4 prexams
- MATH 230 - Introductory Random Variable and Stat.Inf.Comp 6 prexams
- MATH 351 - Optimization and Non-Linear Prob
- MATH 351 - Topics in Applied Mathematics
- MATH 394 - Computer Arabization
- MATH 271 - Set Theory 1 prexam
- MATH 307 - Topics in Analysis 1 prexam
- MATH 341 - Modules and Rings I 4 prexams
- MATH 350 - Discrete Models for Differ.Equ 1 prexam
- MATH 345B - Special Topic Algebra
- MATH 306 - Calculus and Manifolds
- MATH 315 - Algebraic Topology II
- MATH 345 - Topics in Algebra
- MATH 316 - Topics in Topology
- MATH 216 - Topology II
- MATH 305 - Functional Analysis
- MATH 235 - Topics In Statistics 1 prexam
- MATH 357 - Complexity Theory
- MATH 351A - Adv.Num.Linear Alg& Matrix Com
- MATH 301 - Graduate Tutorial Course
- MATH 374 - Computer Networks
- MATH 393 - Building AI Systems
- MATH 385 - Advanced Computer Graphics
- MATH 206 - Computers and Programming for Arts 2 prexams
- MATH 360 - Sp.Topics in Computational Sc
- MATH 373 - Parallel Computing
- MATH 342 - Modules and Rings II
- MATH 354 - The Finite Element Method
- MATH 302 - Graduate Tutorial Course
- MATH 225 - Introduction to the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
- MATH 396 - Selected Tpics in Computer Sc
- MATH 294 - Senior Tutorial Course
- MATH 356 - Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- MATH 397 - Selected Topics
- MATH 392 - Knowl Repr and Reas Under Uncert
- MATH 363 - Software Engineering
- MATH 378 - Distributed Databases
- MATH 366 - Obj-Oriented Soft Develop Meth
- MATH 344 - Commutative Algebra
- MATH 358 - Symbolic Computing
- MATH 367 - Object-Oriented Technology
- MATH 387 - Data Visualization
- MATH 293 - Senior Tutorial Course
- MATH 386 - Computer Aided-Geometric Desig
- MATH 343 - Field Theory
- MATH 377 - Database Management System
- MATH 368 - Programming Language Design
- MATH 281 - Numerical Linear Algebra
- MATH 215 - Introduction to Differential Geometry 3 prexams