Computer Science
- CSC 212 - Program Design and Data Abstraction I 31 prexams
- CSC 226 - Database Programming for Business 5 prexams
- CSC 201 - Computers and Their Use 26 prexams
- CSC 213 - Program Design and Data Abstraction II 44 prexams
- CSC 312 - Computer Architecture 2 prexams
- CSC 425 - Data Communications and Computer Networks 22 prexams
- CSC 313 - Data structures using C++ 10 prexams
- CSC 414 - Applied Operating Systems 45 prexams
- CSC 316 - Computers Security and Their Data 26 prexams
- CSC 423 - Software Engineering 19 prexams
- CSC 219 - Digital Computer Fundamentals
- CSC 216 - Computer Programming I 25 prexams
- CSC 426 - Principles of Database Systems 13 prexams
- CSC 385 - Internet Computing 20 prexams
- CSC 218 - Principles of Communication Systems
- CSC 311 - Theory of Computation 4 prexams
- CSC 323 - Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ 14 prexams
- CSC 422 - Introduction to Image Processing 7 prexams
- CSC 325 - Analysis of Algorithms 4 prexams
- CSC 222 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3 prexams
- CSC 463 - Advanced Software Development
- CSC 301 - Management Information Systems
- CSC 306 - Web Design
- CSC 220 - Programming in Java I 8 prexams
- CSC 480 - Internship 1 prexam
- CSC 490 - Senior Study 1 prexam
- CSC 305 - System Analysis and Design
- CSC 435 - Operating Sysytems and Networks 1 prexam
- CSC 320 - Programming in Java II
- CSC 430 - Computer Graphics and Animation
- CSC 387 - Advanced Programming Using Java 1 prexam
- CSC 415 - Introduction to Operating Systems
- CSC 318 - Geographic Information Systems
- CSC 432 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CSC 613 - Computer Vision and its Applications
- CSC 200 - Keyboarding
- CSC 636 - Computer Security
- CSC 446 - Applied Database Systems
- CSC 417 - Advanced Programming Technologies
- CSC 626 - Computer Communications and Networks
- CSC 412 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
- CSC 270 - Computer Aided Engineering Design
- CSC 202 - Computers for Visual Arts
- CSC 431 - Compiler Design
- CSC 616 - Advanced Database Systems
- CSC 277 - Software Packages for Computer Graphics I
- CSC 372 - Mathematical Software Packages
- CSC 456 - Data Mining
- CSC 231 - Multimedia Applications
- CSC 623 - Advanced Software Engineering
- CSC 371 - Workshop in Advanced Programming 1 prexam
- CSC 217 - Computer Programming II 2 prexams
- CSC 443 - Computer Games Design
- CSC 279 - Software Packages for Computer Graphics III
- CSC 271 - Workshop in Desktop Publishing
- CSC 606 - Operating Systems and Security
- CSC 221 - Introduction to Database Programming for Business
- CSC 632 - Artificial Intelligence
- CSC 621 - Advanced Compiler Design
- CSC 209 - Introduction to Computers
- CSC 204 - Programming Logic
- CSC 622 - Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
- CSC 314 - Programming Languages
- CSC 476 - Database Programming lab
- CSC 631 - Multimedia Systems
- CSC 611 - Advanced Theory of Computation
- CSC 343 - Character Animation
- CSC 215 - File Processing and Business Programming Using COBOL
- CSC 475 - Network Programming Lab
- CSC 273 - Workshop in Computer Aided Architectural Design
- CSC 612 - Advanced Computer Graphics
- CSC 605 - System Analysis and Design
- CSC 433 - Applied Artificial Intelliegence
- CSC 278 - Software Packages for Computer Graphics II
- CSC 211 - Fundamentals of Computing Using Pascal
- CSC 376 - Applied Security lab
- CSC 321 - Advanced Software Packages
- CSC 615 - Advanced Computer Architecture
- CSC 625 - Advanced Operating Systems
- CSC 315 - Computer Information Systems
- CSC 375 - Computer Modeling and Simulation
- CSC 274 - Software Packages for Architect I
- CSC 614 - Modeling and Simulation in OOP
- CSC 603 - Objected-Oriented Applications
- CSC 645 - Neural Networks for Computing
- CSC 275 - Software Packages for Architect II
- CSC 633 - Digital Image Processing
- CSC 416 - Fundamentals of Data Retrieval
- CSC 272 - Workshop in Computer Aided Engineering Design
- CSC 214 - Fundamentals of Computing For Engineers
- CSC 330 - Commercial Software Development
- CSC 300 - Advanced Keyboarding
- CSC 647 - Decision Support Systems
- CSC 71012115 - Jkkkkkkkkjh